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What does the Little League provide to my player?
With registration, she will get a jersey and socks.  For Minors divisions and above, they will also get a belt.
The team is provided a set of catcher’s gear, softballs, and a tee.  Additional equipment is provided upon request. 

What size Softball does my player use? 
Tee-ball (4-6 YOs) – 10” soft core softballs (or soft core baseballs)
Rookies – 11” soft core softballs
Minors – 11” (hard) softballs 
Majors & Above – 12” softball balls

What size Glove does she need?
Depending on the ball and her size, I recommend the following:
Tee-ball (4-6 YOs) – 10.75”
Rookies (6-8 YOs) – 11.0” - 11.75”
Minors and above - 12"-12.5” for their age, depending on their hand size. 

Is my player required to wear a Defensive Face Mask and what does it look like?
Short answer, yes and it keeps your kid from getting pelted in the face.  Ask any Manager or Coach and they will tell you that Defensive facemasks save a kid’s face a day…even the good athletes.  If you do not have one, one will be provided by the Little League if she wishes to play in the infield. 

Rip-It is a great brand, but for the younger ages (ie Tball and Rookies the Defender plastic ones are lighter and can be more comfortable). 

Defender Sports Shield Youth Face Guard | DICK'S Sporting Goods (

Rip-IT Girls' Emma Collection Play Ball Softball Fielder's Mask | DICK'S Sporting Goods ( Also comes in Youth and Adult Size.

Mizuno Adult MFF900 Fielders Mask | DICK'S Sporting Goods ( – Newer brand that I haven’t tried, yet.

Cost is about $40-$45/each.

Does she need a Batting Helmet?
Players are allowed to use and share helmets provided by the LL; however given the pandemic and potential spread of lice, most players purchase and bring their own.
Helmets with a cage around their face is my recommendation, but is not required.  As they move into the Minors Division with more kid pitch, they will want it!!

How do I pick out a bat and why is the cost so varied?
Best way to measure the proper size for a bat is to have the Player hold it out perpendicular to their body (like a T) for 30 seconds with their non-dominant hand.  If they can't do it, it's too heavy.  If they can do it, even with a little struggle, that's a good weight.

As for length, have the player stand like a T with arms out.  Place the knob of the bat in the center of their chest and extend the barrel along one arm past her fingertips about ½”.  That is the proper length for a bat. 

Now putting it together - Bat sizes are usually printed with the length on the bottom/knob and the weight in oz as a “drop”.  For example, a 28 drop -11 would be a 28 inch bat, weighing 17 ounces (28-11=17).

Make sure it's a "softball" bat and not "baseball".

Cost – Holy cow, the costs can vary.  Composite bats are ridiculously expensive, especially for a Little Leaguer, but their performance at contact is definitely more advantageous.  In other words, the more you pay, the further little Suzy’s ball will go with the same level effort.  The older they get, the more of a difference it makes.  For the younger ages, cheap/cute bats are fantastic.  Don’t waste money here! 

Word of caution with the Composite bats – get the warranty and/or keep your paperwork handy.  They break easily and cannot be used in about 50 degree or below weather without cracking.

What color Softball (baseball) Pants should I purchase?
All girls wear BLACK softball/baseball pants in Avon Grove Little League.  They are usually about $10-$25 a pair at Dick's and fit just below their knee. 

Are the girls required to wear cleats?
No, but they are recommended, especially for Rookies and above.  I have bins and bins of gently used cleats.  Contact me, Christy via text at 940-445-0022, if you want to check them out! 
Need equipment, but can’t afford to spend a mortgage payment getting all this stuff??  Let me know.  I have tons of used equipment, or know someone who needs to give it up!


Avon Grove Area Little League
PO Box 70 West Grove PA 19390, Main Complex Address: 130 Schoolhouse Road
West Grove, Pennsylvania 19390

Email: [email protected]

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